Day Unknown

by Stanley Muse

Books & Reference


This eBook is an allegory about the second coming of Jesus Christ; its theme is that He arrives without the knowledge of any man, neither of any angel nor does He Himself know anything about it. Only the Father knows it.The book is designed in such a way that the story can be seamlessly expanded in every direction without affecting its original theme and substance; therefore, it is periodically updated to feature new content. The eBook is updated three times per year by use of some of the materials received from its readers.Much of its contents are taken from forums and blogs that allegorically discuss the same theme, putting emphasis on the truth about the Biblical records regarding the second coming of Jesus, weaved proverbially. Readers are invited to the forums and blogs to freely discuss the contents of the eBook and present their views, yet for any content to be included in an update, the contributor will be consulted. The links to some of the forums are within the eBook.Posts which are featured in an update must stick to the theme of the book, and they must clearly embrace an allegorical or proverbial approach. They must also embrace a sober spiritual mindedness.The eBook has a search tool, Google and Wikipedia tools; it has a notebook and a tool for taking notes. Members can share comments through share tools either locally or through the net. It has both internal and external links.The eBook also allows you to set font size and background screen colour. It provides you with the bookmark and text-to-speech tools.The purpose of this eBook is to awaken Christians about the reality of the second coming of Jesus Christ.